ALL OF US: Aela B. Morgan: Exhibition Opening | Thursday, June 6th, 5 - 8pm

Slate Gray Gallery is excited to present a solo exhibition of works by Aela Morgan. This is Aela's first show with the gallery. Aela is a citizen of the world who currently maintains a studio practice in Telluride. Her works are her personal responses to the biting reality of human existence and all its beauties and atrocities. 

"My work is meant to tell stories about our shared humanity. Approaching a canvas triggers
a process of exploration, so the act of painting itself becomes a moving meditation through
which a new chapter in my book of life emerges. The process can be seen as a dance
between my unfiltered emotions and my brushes. My work of the past four years stems
from four distinct events: Covid, a move to Telluride, a trip to Bhutan, and the horrific
attacks in Israel  on October 7th, 2023. Each series therefore represents how I processed those challenges and opportunities in my life. In a testament to the many faces one contains
simultaneously as an artist, and a human, the works in these four series nonetheless present
a coherent narrative of my focus on self-awareness during our short conscious awakening
called life. Through the act of applying and taking away paint, I process the contradictions
in my own life and in the larger world in search of harmony. The piece is done when I
find balance and resolution. While my growth as an artist has been nonlinear, my awakening to the frailty, beauty, horror, magic, and miracle of being has created a cohesive body of work I am proud to share here today." - Aela Morgan

Join us at the gallery for the exhibition opening reception on Thursday, June 6th, from 5 - 8pm. Aela will be present, and light refreshments will be served.