Introducing R. Nelson Parrish

Slate Gray welcomes R. Nelson Parrish back to Telluride as the newest addition to our artist roster!

After years of showing his work in Telluride, R. Nelson Parrish is now officially a Slate Gray Gallery artist. Nelson is a multi-disciplinary fine artist from Alaska who now lives and works in Southern California. He draws upon his personal experiences as key sources of inspiration to create artworks comprised of bio-resin, pigment, and wood. The result is a hybrid of painting and sculpture, a fusion of natural and synthetic materials. His internationally recognized practice has strong local ties: he has made the awards given during Telluride's Mountainfilm Festival for several years, including this one. Slate Gray is thrilled to continue Nelson's presence and representation in Telluride. 

Reflection on Baron Lake, 6:18am 

Nelson's works translate visceral and ephemeral moments into the tangible. These heightened experiences that are simultaneously calming and chaotic are also definitively poetic and memorable. Each piece presents an opportunity to slow time, inviting the viewer to awaken a new lens in which to experience the world.  The works, the viewer, and their experience are threaded together into a grander narrative: the narrative of who we are as a people and culture that can be told for all of time.


Nelson will be in Telluride at the end of this month for the 2024 Mountainfilm Festival. Join us in welcoming Nelson to the gallery during a special Art Walk on Friday, May 24, from 4 - 7pm. 

Learn More About R. Nelson Parrish