All Of Us: Aela B. Morgan

Aela B. Morgan
Exhibition Dates | May 24 - June 30
Opening Reception | Thursday, June 6, 5-8pm
Artist in attendance for reception 

Slate Gray Gallery is excited to present a solo exhibition of works by Aela Morgan, her first show with the gallery. Aela is a citizen of the world who currently maintains a studio practice in Telluride. Her works are her personal responses to the biting reality of human existence and all its beauties and atrocities. Featured in this exhibition is a series of small but powerful works on paper that Aela made in response to the attacks on Israel in October, 2023.

Learn More About The Exhibition
Join us at the gallery for the exhibition opening reception on Thursday, June 6th, from 5 - 8pm. Aela will be present, and light refreshments will be served. 
All Of Us
Attack 10/23
Weeping Earth 10.23
Stay tuned for next week's newsletter for a deeper dive on Aela and her artistic process.