Deeper Dive With Aela B. Morgan



Exhibition Dates | May 24 - June 30
Opening Reception | Thursday, June 6 5pm-8pm

Please join us this Thursday from 5-8pm for the opening reception of All Of Us featuring Aela B. Morgan.

Aela B. Morgan

The greatest works of art have many lives inside them, a fact particularly true for world citizen and fine artist Aela Morgan. Her life is big, bold and audacious – as are her images, a fact the current show at Slate Gray reflects in high relief. Titled All of Us, the May/June exhibition at the gallery showcases Aela’s heartfelt response to the human condition: the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Born in 1970 in Israel, Aela immigrated to New York at the age of eight and graduated from the United Nations International School in 1988 and the NYU Stern School of Business in 1992. She now lives and works in New York and Colorado.

All Of Us
And It Was Not Consumed 

Featured in this exhibition is a series of small but powerful works on paper that Aela made in response to the attacks on Israel in October, 2023.

"Am I My Brother's Keeper speaks not only to the insanity that humans have harmed one another for as long as time, but also to the fact that Jews and Arabs, Christians, Atheists, Buddhists, tall, short, black, white, yellow, gay, straight, etc. really are all family in so many ways. We are all Brothers and Sisters and I believe we ALL lost on 10/7.  This cycle of violence has repeated over thousands of years as we continuously and sadly recycle dirt from the past." -Aela B. Morgan


Aela was recently honored for her philanthropy and activism by Elluminate, a nonprofit dedicated to exemplary women in Israel and around the world determined to open doors for other women seeking economic, religious, social and political equality.

Real artists like real activists bring about real disruption with the idea of bringing something new into the world: a new color, a new complexion, a new way of looking. Aela’s “All of Us” is all about her rich, often challenging, but mostly wonderful life experiences alchemized onto a canvas. In short, Aela takes her “art” straight out of “heART.”

Learn More About Aela B. Morgan
Excerpts written by Susan Viebrock
of Telluride Inside... And Out
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